Alpha Tech Pet 2020 Catalog



Alpha Tech Pet

Disinfectants | Sanitizers | Air Purifiers........................................................................................................ 4 Sprayers | Applicators | Accessories......................................................................................................... 10 Odor Control | Cleaning............................................................................................................................. 14 Laundry | Dish............................................................................................................................................ 16 Cleaning Supplies...................................................................................................................................... 17 Pumps | Containers | Accessories............................................................................................................. 19 Veterinary Pet Care.................................................................................................................................... 20 Consumer Pet Care Products.................................................................................................................... 22 Equipment.................................................................................................................................................. 24 Floor Mats.................................................................................................................................................. 26

Check out this Special Offer!


Would you like to try out some of our products? Here’s a great combination pack that allows you to sample a few of our items.

We’re the most well known provider of sanitation supplies to the animal care in- dustry in the United States. We’ve been in business specializing in this area since 1989. Our owner, Dr. Shawn Seitz, is a veterinarian, who’s an entrepre- neur continually developing environmen- tally friendly solutions to enhance animal care facility sanitation awareness and ef- fectiveness. We sell in both the ethical (veterinary) market, as well as in the non veterinary animal care markets (animal shelters, hu- mane societies, boarding facilities, pet resorts, zoos, sea world, etc.). We sell di- rectly, through distributors, and through buying groups of aggregate distributors. We sell our own products, as well as repre- senting those of others who pass our own internal high level of scrutiny for appropri- ateness to the industry. We provide unmatched customer service, and superior sanitation protocol aware- ness education. We know what we’re doing, we’ve been doing it a long time, and we do it very well. Welcome to Alpha Tech Pet!

Before deciding to use Bleach, read on...

Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) is a halogen with a broad spectrum of activity that works by oxidation, denaturing proteins. Household bleach concentrations vary from 2% to 6%. A 1:32 concentration (about 1600 ppm) is normally recommended for general disinfection, but levels as high as 1:10 are recommended for ringworm (mi- crosporum canis), and 1:9 (5600 ppm - 14 oz/gallon for Tuberculosis). Kate Hurley of UC Davis recommends the following formula for determining correct 1:32 dilutions: 21 divided by the % active = the # ounces of solution / gallon of water required Bleach is significantly inactivated by or- ganic matter, light, and extended storage. Because bleach degrades so quickly the EPA requires special labeling lan- guage stating the following: “Degrades with age”

Because liquid bleach is so unstable it needs to be stabilized by adding lye , a very corrosive chemical, resulting in a high pH of 11.5. Therefore bleach is very corrosive. Because of its instability and quick in- activation, bleach solutions should be discarded every couple of hours. Bleach loses its content continuously from the moment of manufacture, los- ing up to half its actives by the time of purchase within 60 days of being man- ufactured. When using bleach, pre-cleaning is necessary, and it must remain in con- tact with surfaces for 10 to 30 minutes. There is no sustained release of actives. In bleach 2 forms of free chlorine are present in a pH dependent equilibrium. The more potent of the two is HOCL- (hypochlorous acid), found only in trace amounts when a solution has a pH of 9.0 or higher. Because bleach has a

pH of 11.5, not much HOCL- is actually available as a disinfectant. Instead what’s mostly present is the less effec- tive form of free chlorine OCL- (the hy- pochlorite ion). Unfortunately the OCL- is 120 times less effective than HOCL- as a disinfectant. This is why bleach often experiences failures in eliminating dan- gerous pathogens like hepatitis and parvovirus, and it’s also why high levels and strict controls are required for con- fidence when using bleach as a disin- fectant. Bleach is a very potent mucous mem- brane, tissue, and upper respiratory ir- ritant. Bleach should never mix with acids as toxic chlorine gas will be released. A movement is gaining momentum where States and Municipalities are moving away from (discouraging) chlo- rine use due to the formation of car- cinogenic by-products and volatile or- ganic compounds (VOC’s).

SKU: 8400

SAO ™ Dispenser High Capacity Aqueous Ozone Generator Unit with Stabilizer

See page 8 for details

The SAO Dispenser chemical-free cleaning system

turns ordinary tap water into

Stabilized Aqueous Ozone - a powerful natural cleaner, stain remover, deodorizer and sanitizer.

25 Porter Road, Suite 210 Littleton, MA 01460 Phone 800-222-5537 Fax 978-486-3693

All Alpha Tech Pet products have been veterinarian formulated.

Dr. Shawn E. Seitz President, Alpha Tech Pet

25 Porter Road | Littleton, Massachusetts 01460 | 800 222 5537 |

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