Alpha Tech Pet 2020 Catalog
Disinfectants | Sanitizers | Air Purifiers
Disinfectants | Sanitizers | Air Purifiers
Alpha Tech Pet
CALL Ask About Our New Chlorine Dioxide Air Purification System AVAILABLE SOON!
Kennel Sol ® APS Air Purification System
bacteria, and fungi, as well as protozoan parasites like giardia and cryptosporidium. It was the principal agent of choice used by the US Government in the decontami- nation of buildings after the 2001 Anthrax attacks. ClO 2 has also been shown to be an effective agent at combating airborne pathogens at concentrations well below permissible OSHA human exposure levels and is therefore considered by numerous studies to be a useful preventative against various airborne pathogens. In addition, ClO 2 has been shown to have synergistic effects when used in combination with oth- er disinfecting agents, enhancing the over- all effectiveness of disinfecting regiments. ClO 2 AND BIOFILM Biofilms house a variety of pathogens and are hard to penetrate. Not surprisingly, it has been found that substantially longer contact times and/or much higher concen- trations of biocides are required than gen- erally recognized to reach microorganisms hidden in these biofilms. Because of its mechanism of action and its affinity for wa- ter, studies have shown ClO 2 is particularly effective at removing and controlling bio- films, thus exposing microorganisms, and making overall disinfection more effective. ENVIRONMENTALLY SPARING Unlike Chlorine, ClO 2 does not adversely react with organic compounds and as a re-
sult does not produce unwanted carcino- genic chlorinated volatile organic com- pounds (V.O.C.s) and trihalomethanes. In fact, instead of combining with the aromat- ic rings of organic compounds, ClO 2 actu- ally breaks these rings apart reducing levels of chlorinated organics. KennelSol ® APS products are biodegradable, decom- posing in sunlight and heat into nothing more than salt. HVAC SYSTEMS Because ClO 2 has a high affinity for mois- ture it seeks out and penetrates areas where viruses, bacteria, and molds con- gregate. This is especially important in HVAC systems that control the flow of air in animal care facilities. ISOLATION ROOMS Because chlorine dioxide has been shown to be an effective agent at combating air- borne pathogens it makes it an ideal con- sideration for use in isolation wards where airborne pathogen disease transmission is a concern. ODOR ELIMINATION Because ClO 2 breaks down the aromatic rings of various organic compounds it makes it a superior odor eliminator by destroying odors at their source. It is effective on all animal associated odors like feces, urine, and vomit, as well on other unwanted odors like mold, mildew, skunk, and even smoke.
GAS KennelSol ® APS products produce ClO 2 gas. When used, the gas widely penetrates facilities and effectively seeks out areas of- ten overlooked by hard surface disinfec- tants. This is especially important in HVAC systems that control the flow of air in a fa- cility. It is also especially important in hard to reach areas and in areas where porous surfaces, chain link fencing, cracks, crevic- es and other surfaces are often overlooked in a routine disinfecting regiment. ClO 2 AS A BIOCIDE Chlorine dioxide is widely recognized as being a highly effective biocide with supe- rior efficacy against viruses, spore forming General ClO 2 Information & Use Benefits
KennelSol APS air purification system affords a means for professionals to safely and reliably deodorize their fa- cility with chlorine dioxide gas technol- ogy. Until now chlorine dioxide gener- ating equipment was a costly means of producing chlorine dioxide gas for the intended treatment. This air purifi- cation system when mixed with water produces controlled amounts of mo- lecular CIO 2 gas safely and reliably for amazing odor control.
Clorine Dioxide Molecule
KennelSol APS SHOCK ClO 2
KennelSol APS MAINTENANCE ClO 2 and sanitation for 30 days.
provides immediate odor control for the toughest airborne odors and treats areas for 2 days.
sustains airborne odor control
For best results we recommend release of both treatments at the same time in separate containers.
9 - 10,000 cubic foot treatments / Case (maintenance and shock)
KennelSol APS Tub Combo Pack MAINTENANCE & SHOCK
PurTabs - Small SKU: 9260
PurTabs - Medium SKU: 9262
PurTabs - Large SKU: 9264
KennelSol ® APS Destroys Odors It’s as easy as 1-2-3!
Prepare Material
Hang in Air Vent
Works for 30 Days
Purell Healthcare RTU Surface Disinfectant gallon refill, 4/case SKU: 4840
Purell Healthcare RTU Surface Disinfectant 32 OZ Spray Bottles, 3/case SKU: 4810
Wysiwash Caplets - 9 pack (calcium hypochlorite) SKU: 9205
25 Porter Road | Littleton, Massachusetts 01460 | 800 222 5537 |
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