GreenPlanet Scientific - Product Detail Binder (January 2013)
GreenPlanet Scientific
GreenPlanet Scientific 119 Russell Street, Suite 21 • Littleton, MA. 01460 (978) 486-3690 • Fax: 978-486-3693
Alpha Tech Pet, Inc. is the most well‐known provider of sanitation supplies to the animal care industry in the United States.
We’ve been in business specializing in this area since 1989.
Our owner is a veterinarian, who’s an entrepreneur continually developing environmentally friendly solutions to enhance animal care facility sanitation awareness and effectiveness.
We sell in both the ethical (veterinary) market, as well as in the OTC (non‐veterinary) animal care facility industries (animal shelters, humane societies, boarding facilities, pet resorts, zoos, sea world, etc.). We sell directly, through distributors, and through buying groups of aggregate distributors.
We sell our own products, as well as representing those of others who pass our own internal high level of scrutiny for appropriateness to the industry.
We provide unmatched customer service, and superior sanitation protocol awareness education.
We know what we’re doing, we’ve been doing it a long time, and we do it very well.
Superior Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Facility Maintenance
1. Sanitation Basics
2. How Aqueous Ozone Works
3. Lotus PRO Equipment Details
4. Lotus PRO Efficacy Data
5. Lotus PRO Field Study
6. Hand Sanitizers
7. Other Information
Superior Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Facility Maintenance
SANITATION PROGRAM ASSESSMENT TOOL (use this assessment tool to see how your facility ranks)
HSD (Hard Surface Disinfectant/Cleaners) only
Disinfectants + Cleaners commonly used chemicals
HSD + ILD (Green Certified, w/Intermediate Level Disinfectant capabilities when needed)
Lotus PRO Aqueous Ozone
HSD + ILD + Touch‐less Hand Sanitizers + Microfiber Products & color coding HSD + ILD + Touch‐less Hand Sanitizers + (Air Handler and Air Treatment)
Purell & GOJO Microfiber mops, cloths, mitts
UV light, HEPA filters, Chlorine Dioxide, etc. treatment of air handlers and facility air. HydroMAID + Touch‐less Restroom conversion kits, and SoapBerries Laundry Detergent (hypoallergenic).
HSD + ILD + Touch‐less Hand Sanitizers + (Air Handler and Air Treatment) + LPLF (Low Pressure Low Flow) chemical applicators (as opposed to high pressure sprayers) & Touch‐less Restrooms
GreenPlanet Scientific is proud to be your expert in establishing a sanitation program tailored specifically for your needs; a program that’s environmentally sensitive, superior in its efficacy, and maintains the highest standards of safety for those under your care and for your employees.
119 Russell Street ‐ Littleton, Massachusetts 01460 ∙ 800‐222‐5537 ∙
Superior Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Facility Maintenance
Aqueous Ozone’s extra oxygen atom is fatally attracted to pathogens & contaminants.
Inside lotus® PRO unit, oxygen from the air is safely turned into ozone then infused into tap water, creating Aqueous Ozone.
The ozone turns back into oxygen. Only pure oxygen and water remain after heavy duty cleaning and sanitizing has taken place.
Harmless to people but deadly to bacteria, viruses and contami- nants, the extra oxygen atom actively detaches and attacks them.
How does Ozone kill microbes? Ozone is one of the strongest oxidizers known to man. The strong antimicrobial character of ozone is partially related to its oxidation-reduction potential (2.07 V), which is higher than that of chlorine (1.36 V). This makes it 50% more powerful than chlorine and up to 3000 times faster destroying microorganisms. Ozone destroys microorganisms by reacting with oxidize able cellular components, particularly those containing double bonds, sulfhydryl groups, and phenolic rings. Therefore, membrane phospholipids, intracellular enzymes, proteins, and genomic material are targeted by ozone; these reactions result in cell damage and death of microorganisms. Ozone destroys viruses by diffusing through the protein coat into the nucleic acid core, resulting in damage of the viral RNA. At higher concentrations, ozone destroys the capsid, or exterior protein shell by oxidation so DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), or RNA (ribonucleic acid) structures of the microorganism are affected.
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Approved. Proven. Powerful.
on demand by lotus PRO is classified by the EPA with regards to how it be may effectively used, e.g. as a general cleaner versus a hard surface sanitizer. lotus PRO’s aqueous ozone is classified a food contact surface sanitizer because an EPA approved lab followed strict protocol and showed a 99.999% reduction of test bacteria in 60 seconds or less. FDA: In 1997 the FDA approved the use of ozone as an indirect food additive through use as antimicrobial agent with indirect contact with foods. In 2002 the FDA approved ozone for use on food contact areas and directly on food with its Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) designation. GRAS substances are those that are intentionally added to food which are reviewed and recognized by qualified experts, as having been adequately shown to be safe under the conditions of its intended use. USDA: The Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) authorizes the establishment of the National List of allowed and prohibited substances. The National List identifies aqueous ozone as a substance that is allowed for use in organic crop and livestock production. OS H A: Regulations address the toxicity of gaseous ozone and acknowledge the safety of aqueous ozone. Strict limits are set for exposure to gaseous ozone while no limits are set for exposure to aqueous ozone even with high concentrations. Aqueous ozone is considered to pose no health or safety threats; requires no safety training, certification or reporting; and requires no protective gear or compliance for safe use. Additionally, the aqueous ozone produced by lotus PRO carries a zero health hazard, reactivity and fire hazard NFPA ratings.
REGULATORY APPROVAL FRAMEWORK lotus PRO and the aqueous ozone it makes are subject to close regulation by a number of government agencies including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Department of Labor Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA) as follows: EPA: The lotus PRO device itself , the aqueous ozone it manufactures and the performance claims are subject to separate and distinct treatment by the EPA: lotus PRO Unit: The device itself does not require registration but it must be manufactured in an EPA registered establishment. Production in an unregistered establishment is a violation of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA – 1947). Lotus PRO’s EPA registered establishment number is 82126-CHN-001. The lotus PRO device also adheres to strict EPA regulations with regard to labeling, production, record keeping, packaging and import/export requirements. lotus PRO Aqueous Ozone: With the exception of ozone, FIFRA mandates that any substance intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any pest, must be registered before sale or distribution. To obtain an EPA product registration number, a manufacturer must submit specific data regarding it’s safety and the effectiveness. Because it is chemical-free, aqueous ozone is unique in the opinion of the EPA. Unlike chemical, biochemical and microbial pesticide substances, the EPA does not require a product registration number for aqueous ozone. Aqueous Ozone Performance Classification: The aqueous ozone made
800-222-5537 www .
Approved. Proven. Powerful.
CLEANING, SANITIZING & SAFETY As a chemical-free cleaner the lotus PRO system has been tested and recognized as effective by third parties, exceeding the Green Seal Environmental Standard (GS-37) for performance as an Industrial Cleaner. In tightly controlled testing by the Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI), the aqueous ozone produced by lotus PRO was more effective than a leading quat chemical cleaner, as well as a green cleaner at removing soil from bathroom surfaces such as glass and chrome. It was also proven as an effective cleaner on ceramic, steel, plastic and fiberglass surfaces. The aqueous ozone produced by lotus PRO is a broad range anti-microbial agent that works faster and more effectively against pathogens than chlorine bleach,without fumes and toxic residues like dioxins and tri-chloramines. Because of its toxin-free sanitizing action, aqueous ozone is considered safe as a direct and indirect food additive
by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) under its Organic Program. This naturally occurring substance is one of the strongest oxidizing agents known, second only to fluorine in its speed and effectiveness Because it is chemical, vapor and residue- free, aqueous ozone is considered as extremely safe for people and planet. In the same study that established its effectiveness as a cleaner, aqueous ozone scored a perfect 50 out of 50 TURI safety score, with zero levels for VOC emissions, zero global warming potential, zero ozone depletion potential and zero scores in all National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) and Hazardous Material Identification System (HMIS) categories. In over 100 years of commercial use, there has not been a single reported death resulting from ozone exposure.
HIGH LEVEL DISINFECTION* Work is now underway to obtain high level disinfectant certifications on the Lotus PRO aqueous ozone generator. We're confident a 4 minute contact time (with 12 hour solution stability) using the Series II stabilizer will provide kill rates sufficient for certification as a high level disinfectant, meaning "a solution capable of inactivating vegetative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, viruses, and some bacterial spores, yet at a shorter contact time than generally required for routine hard surface disinfectants." * Please periodically check back with us for an update on our HLD certification progress.
800-222-5537 www .
Approved. Proven. Powerful.
FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: GreenPlanet Scientific s ales @ greenplanetscientific .com 978-486-3690
lotus® PRO in Food Service Areas The lotus® PRO is particularly effective in cleaning and sanitizing food contact surfaces. Unlike chemical sanitizers (which must be used off hours and with protective gear) aqueous ozone can be used to clean and sanitize in the close presence of food without concerns of chemical contamination. Since aqueous ozone reverts to oxygen and water, food preparation surfaces do not require post- application rinsing to eliminate potentially harmful residues, nor do they require careful handling and preparation of chemical cleaning concentrates. Lotus PRO ANTI-MICROBIAL EFFICACY A recent article published in the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology found that ozone gas was able to inactivate more than 99.9% of most bacteria including Acinetobacter baumannii, Clostridium difficile (“C.difficile”) and methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (“MRSA”) in both laboratory and field conditions. The study concluded that ozone gas is a valuable decontamination tool for the removal of bacteria in many institutions and communal settings including hospitals and other health care institutions. Ozone in the liquid phase is a significantly faster contact sanitizer than ozone gas, requiring much lower concentrations and shorter dwell times. For example 20.00ppm of ozone in air takes 20 minutes to sanitize a common pathogen. By contrast, 0.25ppm concentration of aqueous ozone requires only 96 seconds to achieve the same kill rate.
800-222-5537 www .
Approved. Proven. Powerful.
Superior Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Facility Maintenance
Lotus PRO® On‐Demand Aqueous Ozone Generator
This chemical‐free cleaning system turns ordinary tap water into on‐demand Aqueous Ozone ‐ a powerful natural cleaner, stain remover, deodorizer and sanitizer. Aqueous Ozone is made with continuous flow for mop buckets, carpet extractors and automated sprayers. It provides residue‐free performance for a longer lasting clean and low slippage on even the smoothest floors. Continuous flow up to 5 gallons/minute, with/10 minute shutoff safety feature 110v power Dimensions: 17.5" x 14.5" x 7" 42 pounds Exceeds Green Seal GS-37 standard FDA Safe Designation: 21CFR184.15663 OSHA Safety Compliance: Off-gas O3 < .01 PEL Built-in mechanical backflow prevention & pressure limiter 100% chemical free 3000 times faster and much stronger than bleach bacteria, viruses (including canine parvo virus), protozoa, fungi, yeasts, cysts, algae Highly effective on skunk odors (both on animals and in facilities) Each cartridge is good for producing 800 gallons of sanitizing solution Sanitizing solution once made is good for 12 hours On Demand Aqueous Ozone Generation
Item # 9300
Lotus Pro High Capacity Aqueous Ozone Generator Unit with Stabilizer
On‐Demand Aqueous Ozone Generation 3 year warranty Each cartridge replacement set produces 800 gallons of aqueous ozone Aqueous Ozone once generated maintains efficacy at HLD levels for 12 hours HLD contact time for various microorganisms varies from 30 seconds to 4 minutes MSRP ‐ $2,750.00 per unit
Lotus Pro High Capacity Aqueous Ozone Stabilizer Replacement Cartridges Item # 9320
MSRP ‐ $150.00 per replace cartridge set
Pricing Updated October 24, 2012
Liquid Ozone video
Lotus PRO Installation video
Lotus Pro Installation video ‐ Detailed
Click this video for more about the technology behind this device
Windsor Hospital Testimonial
The Creation of Aqueous Ozone
How It Works
Cold tap water enters the lotus® PRO Stabilization Module.
The lotus® PRO Stabilization Module mixes with the cold tap water stream, expanding the cleaning time up to 24 hours*.
Treated water leaves the lotus® PRO Stabilization Module.
Water passes through the FloJet connector, which prevents back flow with air lock, then enters the lotus® PRO High Capacity Unit.
Oxygen enters the dispenser through the replaceable filter cartridge.
4,500 volts of electricity transforms O 2 to O 3.
Ozone gas that is not saturated in the water is separated and safely dispensed as oxygen. Aqueous ozone leaves the dispenser to fill mop buckets, trigger sprayers, auto scrubbers and carpet extractors.
FDA Safe Designation: 21CFR184.1563 EPA Site Reg. No.: 82126-CHN-001 OSHA: Off-gas O3 < .01 ppm PEL CSA & UL: USA/Canada compliant Regulatory Information
USDA: Organic Program compliant EPA: DIS/TSS-4 sanitizer test passed TURI Ratings: Safety screening score: 50 out of 50. Zero global warming; Zero
Green Standard: Exceeds GS-37 guidelines ozone depletion; Zero VOCs California Code: Exceeds regular limits on VOC’s
Model Number LQFC425K LQFC825K*
Dimensions 17.5”X 14.5”X 7”
Flow Continuous
Rate Up to 5 gals/min
SanitizingTime Up to 4 hours Up to 24 hours
Cartridge Life Series I - 1,600 gal Series II - 800 gals
*Results may vary based on water quality at location .
lotus® and Tersano™ are trademarks of © 2005 Tersano Inc. US and International Patents and Patents Pending.
800-222-5537 www .
Approved. Proven. Powerful.
High Capacity Unit: Specifications Product Description Model LQFC425K
The lotus® PRO High Capacity chemical-free cleaning system turns ordinary tap water into Aqueous Ozone - a powerful natural cleaner, stain remover, deodorizer and sanitizer. The Aqueous Ozone is made on-the-spot with continuous flow for mop buckets, carpet extractors and auto scrubbers - killing germs while cleaning. It provides residue-free performance for a longer lasting clean and low slippage on even the smoothest floors. Safe on natural wood and stone. Floors stay cleaner, longer with no stripping.
High Impact plastic housing
Filter Cartridge
Now get hours of cleaning power with the New Stabilization Module. Turns ordinary tap water into a long-lasting, natural Oxy cleaner and sanitizer using patented Aqueous Ozone technology that keeps more ozone in solution for longer periods .
Performance Indicators
Service Light
ColdWater In
Water In To High Capacity Unit
Ozone Solution Out
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: 17.5” x 14.5” x 7”
EPA Site Registration No.: 89093-CAN-001 TURI Ratings: Safety screening score: 50 out of 50. CSA & UL: USA and Canada compliant Green Standard: Exceeds Green Seal GS-37 FDA Safe Designation: 21CFR184.1563 USDA: Organic Program designation EPA: DIS/TSS-4 sanitizer (food contact surface) OSHA Safety Compliance: Off-gas O3 < .01 ppm PEL
Weight: 18 lbs.
Flow: Continuous -10 min. shut off safety feature
Rate: Up to 5 gals/min
Sanitizing Duration: Up to 4 hours (LQFC425K)
Cartridge Life: 1,600 gals (LQFC425K)
Sanitizing Duration: Up to 24 hours (LQFC825K)
Cartridge Life: 800 gals (LQFC825K)
Power: Standard 120v
Built-in mechanical backflow prevention
Tested to meet or exceed UL and CSA standards. EPA, FDA, TURI, USDA and OSHA compliant. Exceeds GS - 37 standard. Items may not appear exactly as shown
lotus® and Tersano™ are trademarks of © 2005 Tersano Inc. US and International Patents and Patents Pending.
800-222-5537 www .
Approved. Proven. Powerful.
lotus ® PRO Technical Bulletin High Capacity Unit Front Label
This is a guide to help understand the High Capacity Unit label and what the lights mean. 1) System Ready You are producing AO and ready to fill your mop buckets, sprayers, or other applicators. 2) System Charging Within 15 seconds of turning the Flow into the on position you will see the “System Charging” light come on at the front of the HCU and switch to Green “System Ready” 3) Change Sensor Will light when the HCU is not producing Ozone - this could mean one of the following: • Low water pressure – must be between 35-60psi. • Hot water is connected or turned on instead of COLD water. If you have the correct PSI and are using cold water try the following troubleshooting: • Continue to run the unit for a longer period of time 1 to 2 minutes to see if the light will clear. • Is the high capacity plugged in using an extension cord. Is it commercial grade? If not insert direct to power or use a commercial grade extension cord. • Ensure other items plugged into the same outlet are removed and test the unit alone on the outlet. 4) Replace Stabilizer Flashing orange light: filter and stabilization module needs replacement in 50 gallons. Solid orange light: filter and stabilization module needs replacement immediately. 5) Service If get a red light, check that the cold water is turned on. Check that there are no kinks in the line to allow uninterrupted flow of water. Also check that the cartridge is in properly and the protective plastic on the cartridge has been removed. If you still encounter issues please contact lotus ® PRO customer care or 1-800-808-1723 EXT 530.
System Ready System Charging Replace Stabilizer Change Sensor
TO OPERATE: 1. To start Press FLOW to ON.
2. Dispense when SYSTEM READY is GREEN. 3. Press FLOW to OFF when not dispensing.
Approved. Proven. Powerful.
Superior Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Facility Maintenance
Aqueous Ozone: Summary Pathogen Kill Rates &Data Chemical-Free Cleaning, Sanitizing & Stain Removal. Aqueous Ozone - is approved by the EPA and FDA as a 100% natural, safe and effective cleaner and sanitizer. Its inherent ability to destroy viruses and bacteria is dependent on two main variables; Initial concentration of ozone in the water (ppm) and contact or dwell time (seconds).* The sanitizing ability of the aqueous ozone increases as either or both variable is increased. The charts below measure the power of aqueous ozone and time required to destroy bacteria and viruses at a strength of 2 ppm or greater.
Reduction (%)
Dwell Time (Secs.)
Escherichia coli
5 - 13 3 - 11
Listeria monocytogenes 99.999 Salmonella typhimurium 99.99
11 - 13 23 - 26
Streptococcus faecalis
Legionella pneumophila 99.99
9 - 33
Aqueous ozone kills 99.999 of common flu virus in as little as 2 seconds.
Bacillus cereus
Reduction (%)
Dwell Time (Secs.)
Bacteriophage F2
2 - 19
Norovirus Hepatitus A
99.9 99.9 99.9
2 1 5
Poliovirus type 1
63 -126
lotus PRO has a 5 log kill rate for Listeria at 2 ppm .
Aqueous ozone is very effective as a cleaner, and with higher concentrations and longer dwell times as a sanitizer against various pathogenic molds and fungi, yeasts, pesticides, chemical residues and other common contaminants. The list below provides a brief summary:
Molds & Fungi Alternaria solani Botritys cinerea
Algae & Yeasts Vibrio clolarae
Cysts & Protozoa Chloralla vulgaris
V. parahaemolyticus
Cryptoporidium parvum
Fusarium oxysporum Virrio ichthyodermis
Giardia lamblia
Pythium Ultimum Rhizopus stolonifera
Candida albicans Saccharomyces
Giaria Muris
Nematode eggs
Sclerotium rolfsii
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Approved. Proven. Powerful.
How Effective Are We? Chemical-Free Cleaning, Sanitizing & Stain Removal.
Tersano’s patented lotus PRO cleaning sanitizing system turns ordinary tap water into the world’s most effective chemical-free commercial cleaner and sanitizer by infusing it with ozone. Aqueous ozone eliminates germs, odors stains, mold, mildew and other contaminants on any item or surface before changing back into water and oxygen. Leave no residues behind. Perfect for mop buckets, carpet extractors and auto scrubbers. Kills: • Bacillus Bacteria: Destroyed by 0.2 mg/1 within 30 seconds • Bacillus Anthracis: Causes anthrax in sheep, cattle and pigs. A human pathogen. Ozone susceptible. • Clostridium Bacteria: Ozone-Susceptible. • Clostridium Botulinum Spores: Its toxin paralyzes the central nervous system, being a poison multiplying in food and meals. 0.4 to 0.5 mg/1. • Echo Virus 29: This virus most sensitive to ozone. After a contact time of 1 Minute at 1 mg/1 of ozone, 99.999% killed. • Escheriachia Coli Bacteria (from feces): Destroyed by 0.2 mg/1 within 30 seconds. • Encephalomyocarditis Virus: Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/1.
• Enterovirus Virus: Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/1. • GDVII Virus: Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/1. • Herpes Virus: Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/1. • Influenza Virus: 0.4 to 0.5 mg/1. • Poliomyelitis Virus: Kill of 99.999%with 0.3 to 0.4 mg/1 in 3 to 4 minutes. • Proteus Bacteria: Very Susceptible. • Pseudomonal Bacteria: Very Susceptible. • Rhabdovirus Virus: Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds. • Salmonella Bacteria: Very Susceptible. • Stomatitis Virus: Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/1.
• Streptococcus Bacteria: Destroyed by 0.2 mg/1 within 30 seconds • Aspergillus Niger (black Mount): Destroyed by 1.5 to 2 mg/1. • Diphtheria Pathogen: Destroyed by 1.5 to 2 mg/1. • Eberth Bacillus (Typhus abdominalis): Destroyed by 1.5 to 2 mg/1.
• Klebs-Loffler Virus: Destroyed by 1.5 to 2 mg/1. • Staphylococci: Destroyed by 1.5 to 2 mg/1.
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Approved. Proven. Powerful.
How Effective Are We? Common Organisms Killed By Ozone
Bacteria • Achromobacter butyri NCI-9404 • Aeromonas harveyi NC-2 • Aeromonas salmonicida NC-1102 • Bacillus anthracis • Bacillus cereus • B. coagulans • Bacillus globigii • Bacillus licheniformis • Bacillus megatherium sp. • Bacillus paratyphosus • Clostridium tetoni • Cryptosporidium • Coliphage • Corynebacterium diphthriae • Eberthella typhosa • Endamoeba histolica • Escherichia coli • Flavorbacterium SP A-3 • Leptospira canicola • Listeria • Micrococcus candidus • Micrococcus caseolyticus KM-15 • Micrococcus spharaeroides • Mycobacterium leprae • Mycobacterium tuberculosis • Neisseria catarrhalis • Phytomonas tumefaciens • Proteus vulgaris • Pseudomonas aeruginosa • Pseudomonas • fluorscens (bioflims) • B. prodigiosus • Bacillus subtilis • B. stearothermophilus • Clostridium botulinum • C. sporogenes
• Pseudomonas putida • Salmonella choleraesuis • Salmonella enteritidis • Salmonella typhimurium • Salmonella typhosa • Salmonella paratyphi • Sarcina lutea • Seratia marcescens • Shigella dysenteriae • Shigella flexnaria • Shigella paradysenteriae • Spirllum rubrum • Staphylococcus albus • Staphylococcus aureus • Streptococcus ‘C’ • Streptococcus faecalis • Streptococcus hemolyticus • Streptococcus lactis
• Streptococcus salivarius • Streptococcus viridans • Torula rubra • Vibrio alginolyticus & angwillarum • Vibrio clolarae • Vibrio comma • Virrio ichthyodermis NC-407 • V. parahaemolyticus
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How Effective Are We? Common Organisms Killed By Ozone
Fungus & Mold Spores • Aspergillus candidus
Virus • Adenovirus (type 7a) • Bacteriophage (E.coli) • Coxackie A9, B3, & B5 • Cryptosporidium
• Aspergillus flavus (yellowish-green) • Aspergillus glaucus (bluish-green) • Aspergillus niger (black) • Aspergillus terreus, saitoi & oryzac • Botrytis allii • Colletotrichum lagenarium • Fusarium oxysporum • Grotrichum • Mucor recomosus A & B (white-gray) • Mucor piriformis
• Echovirus 1, 5, 12, &29 • Encephalomyocarditis • Hepatitis A • GD V11 Virus • Onfectious hepatitis • Influenza • Legionella pneumophila • Polio virus (Poliomyelitus) 1, 2 & 3 • Rotavirus • Tobacco mosaic • Vesicular Stomatitis Protozoa • Paramecium • Nematode eggs • Chlorella vulgaris (Algae) • All Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic forms of Protozoa Fungal Pathogens • Alternaria solani • Botrytis cinerea • Fusarium oxysporum • Monilinia fruiticola • Monilinia laxa • Pythium ultimum • Phytophthora erythroseptica • Phytophthora parasitica
• Oospora lactis (white) • Penicillium cyclopium
• P. chrysogenum & citrinum • Penicillium digitatum (olive) • Penicillium glaucum • Penicillium expansum (olive) • Penicillium egyptiacum • Penicillium roqueforti (green) • Rhizopus nigricans (black) • Rhizopus stolonifer Yeast • Baker’s yeast • Candida albicans-all forms • Common yeast cake • saccharomyces cerevisiae • saccharomyces ellipsoideus • saccharomyces sp. Cysts • Cryptosporidium parvum • Giardia lamblia • Giardia muris Algae • Chlorella vulgaris • Thamnidium • Trichoderma viride • Verticillium albo-atrum • Verticillium dahliae
• Rhizoctonia solani • Rhizopus stolonifera • Sclerotium rolfsii • Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
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Reference * Ref: International Ozone Association - AOAC Official method 961.02; Germicidal Spray Products as Disinfectants; and Detergent Sanitizing Action of Disinfectants. FDA GRAS Notification. EPA Organic Program compliance. Data compiled from third party independent industry and academic sources, and is for general information purpose only. Kill rates vary with temperature, surface texture, pH and other factors which are not accounted for in this document.
For more detailed kill rate data, please contact your lotus PRO Customer Representative.
Tested to meet or exceed TUV, UL and CSA standards. EPA, FDA, TURI, USDA and OSHA compliant. Exceeds GS - 37 standard. lotus is a registered trade mark of Tersano Inc. All other marks are property of their respective owners.
800-222-5537 www .
Approved. Proven. Powerful.
Commercial Cleaning Products & Technologies : Comparative Summary
Ionized Bubbles
Water flows through a cell that applies a slight electrical charge. An ion exchange membrane creates positively and negatively charged nano-bubble cleaning agents.
Glass, stainless steel & other smooth surfaces. Also carpets.
ElectrolyzedWater Salt water with low-voltage electricity creates two cleaning agents. Sodium ions are converted into sodium hydroxide, an alkaline liquid that cleans and degreases. Chloride ions become hypochlorous acid, also known as acid water. Steam Cleaning Water is heated to the point and turns into vapor. The vapor is forced out
Smooth floors and large smooth surface areas
Smooth floors, carpets and upholstery
through a nozzle which can be directed at the surface to be cleaned. As the vapor cools and turns back into water, it pulls out dirt and grime.
Chemical Cleaners Traditional man-made chemicals work well as cleaning agents. Many leave residues and odors, and may be harmful if not used properly.
All types of surfaces. Varies by type
Green Cleaners
Most green cleaners are made using plant-based derivatives and essential oils. May sacrifice a degree of cleaning power for green compliance
All types of surfaces. Varies by type
Aqueous Ozone Tap water is saturated with ozone which wipes out pathogens and contaminants through oxydization. Reverts to water and oxygen.
All types of surfaces, including food and food surfaces.
*Hucker’s soil is the industry accepted standardized soil designed to replicate common soils found when cleaning. Distilled water 48.8%, evaporated milk 13.8%, creamy peanut butter 9.2%, salted butter 9.2%, stone ground wheat flour 9.2%, egg yolk 9.2%printer’s ink with linseed oil 0.9%, and saline solution 2.7% Ref: International Ozone Association - AOAC Official method 961.02;Germicidal Spray Products as Disinfectants; and Detergent Sanitizing Action of Disinfectants. FDA GRAS Notification. EPA Organic Program compliance. Data compiled in 2009 from third party independent industry and academic sources.
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Commercial Cleaning Products & Technologies
ORBIO® 5000-SC
IONIZED BUBBLES: Water flows through a cell that applies a slight electrical charge. An ion exchange membrane creates positively
AQUEOUS OZONE: Tap water is saturated with ozone which wipes out pathogens and contaminants through oxydization. Reverts to water and oxygen. Cleaner/Sanitizer in one bottle
ELECTROLYZEDWATER: Salt water with low-voltage electricity creates two cleaning agents. Sodium ions are converted into sodium hydroxide, an alkaline liquid that cleans and degreases. Chloride ions become hypochlorous acid, also known as acid water. Cleaner/Disinfectant are in separate bottles
ELECTROLYZEDWATER: Salt water with low-voltage electricity creates two cleaning agents. Sodium ions are converted into sodium hydroxide, an alkaline liquid that cleans.
IONIZED BUBBLES: Water flows through a cell that applies a slight electrical charge. An ion exchange membrane creates positively and negatively charged nano-bubble cleaning agents.
ELECTROCHEMICAL ACTIVATION: Produced by the electrolysis of ordinary tap water containing dissolved sodium chloride producing a solution of sodium hypochlorite, which is the most common ingredient in store-bought household bleach. works by increasing the surface tension of soils (instead of decreasing them like a surfactant) Cleaner/Disinfectant Visible built in sensors to notify that water has been charged
and negatively charged nano-bubble cleaning agents. Cleaner Only
Cleaner Only
Cleaner Only
Visible built in sensors to notify that unit has power to cell.
Visible built in sensors to notify that water has been charged
Visible built in sensors to notify that solution is ready
Sensor Alerts for softener and filter
Visible built in sensors to notify that unit has power to cell. NSF International NFSI National Floor Safety Institute
DIS/TSS 17 (When used as directed)
The disinfectant is tested to EN 1276 and conforms to the European Biocides directive.
Did not pass all testing
Yes No Yes No No
No No No No No
No No No No No
Yes No No No No
No No No Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Glass, floor and hard surface cleaner. Register for Biocidal Products under number 13666. Says it doesn’t REQUIRE additional chemicals to be 100% effective -later on they’ll tell you that there are 6 or 8 additives available to help it perform faster.
Glass, stainless steel & other smooth surfaces. Also carpets. Eliminates 99.9%* of harmful germs including H1N1 and E. coli. (*When used as directed)
All types of surfaces, including food and food surfaces. Up to 99.999% kill rate MRSA, H1N1, E. Coli and Staph. 50% stronger than bleach 50-50 rating by TURI
Smooth floors and large smooth surface areas
Smooth floors and large smooth surface areas No kill rates. 46/50 rating by TURI
Smooth floors and large smooth surface areas
Hypochorous acid is available for purchase by the bottle. Mixed accidentally with other products there is a potential of creating toxic gases/solutions.
Kärcher states Tennant technology not effective. Tennant had to retract claims about effectiveness.
TURI states Activeion technology not effective removing soils 13” Height 4.3 lbs Small carbon footprint
550 ml spray bottle, 1100ml filling jug Small carbon footprint
20” X 14” X 7” 10 lbs Small carbon footprint
18”x15”x6” 38 lbs Large carbon footprint - dispose by product
46” X 70” X 36” 375 lbs (empty) 1450 (filled)
T5 53” X 23” X 44” 580 lbs Small carbon footprint
Large lbs carbon footprint - dispose acidic by product
800-222-5537 www .
Approved. Proven. Powerful.
The lotus® PRO End User List The proven capabilities of the lotus ® PRO system is best seen in the ever growing list of end users. From schools to hospitals to manufacturing lotus ® PRO is becoming the chemical free commercial cleaner and sanitizer of choice.
Schools/Universities •
Stadium •
• • • • • •
Best Western Royal Sun, AZ
• • • •
The Rye Gate Steakhouse & Lounge, ON
Embassy Suites Tuscon Paloma Village, AZ
Remark Fresh Markets, ON The City Grill Restaurant , ON Bull & Barrel Urban Saloon, ON
Michigan State University, MI University of Michigan, MI
Petco Park, CA
Hollywood Slots Hotel, ME
• •
Imperial Palace Hotel & Casino, MS
Loma Linda University, CA • University of Vermont,VT • Maine East HS,IL • Johnson State College, VT • University of California, CA •
Automotive •
The Cortina Hotel, NY
Lakeshore All Makes and Models, ON
Hollywood Casino at Penn National Racecourse, PA
Government Agencies • AATC(Atlanta Airport), GA • City Of Lewiston, NY • State of Ohio, OH • City of Salt Lake City • City of Satellite Beach, FL •
• • •
Formula One, ON
Windsor Mercedes Benz , ON Precision AutoWash, ON
• Spearmint Rhino, NV •
The Penalty Box Restaurant,ON
Central Maine Community College, MA
• Mullinax, FL
• •
Vito’s Pizza, ON
Marlborough School, NH
The Serbian Center/Reception Hall, ON
• Dublin School,NH • Concord School, NH •
Hospitality • MGM, MI •
• Leopards Lounge,ON •
Anaheim Convention Center, CA Windsor Fire Department, ON
Rogers Roost Restaurant, MI
Childs Play Daycare, NV
Caesars Windsor Hotel & Casino, ON Luxor Hotel and Casino, NV Excalibur Hotel and Casino, NV Morongo Hotel and Casino, CA The Portola Hotel and Spa, CA
Seacliff Inn, ON
• West Valley, NY •
• Town of Tecumseh, ON • The City of Windsor, ON
• • • •
• Abars, ON •
Roosevelt School District, AZ
Hampton Inn and Suites Airport, TX
• • • •
Northern Maine Community College, ME John McGivney Children’s Centre, ON Skowhegan Maine School Department, ME
Pheasant and Quail Pub, BC
• Best Western, MN •
• Ojai Inn, CA •
The Kildare House/Pub and Grille, ON
Allendale Schools, MI • University of Windsor
Harrahs Casino, CA
www . 800-222-5537
“ University Housing has long been committed to creating safe, sanitary living conditions for students living in the residence halls, while trying to be as conscious of our environmental footprint as possible, aqueous ozone is allowing us to take this commitment to an entirely new level by eliminating the need for most of the chemicals we used in the past.” University of Michigan Director of Housing Facilities Vicki Hueter “From day one of using the product our front-line staff noticed a dramatic change. Floors were cleaner and that harsh chemical smell and residue was eliminated. We have many staff that cannot work with our current chemicals as a result of having serious allergic reactions. The same staff are now using the Lotus Pro® systemwith no issues whatsoever.” Windsor Regional Hospital President and CEO David Musyj “We spent years looking for a way to replace the multitude of chemical cleaners we were using with a single cleaning and sanitizing solution. We looked at other chemical-free systems, but lotus PRO was the only one who not only promised, but delivered. With lotus PRO, we’re greener, we’re cleaner and we’re spending much less.” MGM House Keeping
Retail • Canada Tire Corporation • Discount Tire • Eco Green, IN •
• • • • •
Smith Medical, OH
Summerlin Hospital, NV
Windsor Regional Hospital, ON
Overlook Hospital, NJ
Washington Adventist Hospital, MD
Tecumseh Home Hardware, ON
• Hospice of Windsor, ON •
Sprenger Nursing Home, OH Caribou Rehab and Nursing, ME Chartwell Seniors Housing, ON Season’s Nursing Home, ON Aspen Lakes Nursing Home
Manufacturing •
• • • •
Valiant Tool and Die, ON
• Atlas Tube, ON • Advantage Engineering, ON • Hitachi, CA • Robinson Transport, ON • Drive Logistics, ON • The Narmco Group, ON • Chrysler, MI • DynamicGreens Wheatgrass, ON • Riverview Steel, ON • Anglin Enterprises Inc, ON
Health and Beauty • T’dye For, ON • Salon Utopia, ON •
Xanadu Health Club, ON Good Life Fitness, ON The Athletic Club, ON
• •
Animal Facilities •
Health Care •
Shedd Aquarium, IL
Clean Care/Texas Health, TX Elderwood Senior Care, NY
Georgia K9, GA
www . 800-222-5537
Superior Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Facility Maintenance
Tersano Field Study
Presented By Elliott Affiliates, Ltd.
Elliott Affiliates, Ltd. ~ ~ 800‐626‐6807
Submitted by: Vince Elliott, BS, MHS
©1998‐2012 Elliott Affiliates, Ltd. and may not be duplicated by any means.
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Table of Contents
Introduction: Tersano LotusPro Field Study Of Effectiveness ..................................................3 Methodology..........................................................................................................................4 Findings: By Type Of Room .....................................................................................................5 Cleanliness Appearance .......................................................................................................5 Organic Load.........................................................................................................................6 Tersano LotusPro Findings By Type Of Room ..................................................................6 Tersano LotusPro Vs. Ionized Water By Type Of Room....................................................7 Findings: By Type Of Item........................................................................................................8 Cleanliness Appearance .......................................................................................................8 Organic Load.........................................................................................................................9 Tersano LotusPro Findings By Type Of Item.....................................................................9 Tersano LotusPro Vs. Ionized Water By Type Of Item ....................................................10 Overall Study Conclusions .....................................................................................................10
©1998‐2012 Elliott Affiliates, Ltd. and may not be duplicated by any means.
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Introduction: Tersano LotusPro Field Study of Effectiveness July, 2012 Testing conducted by Elliott Affiliates, Ltd.
Tersano Inc. contacted the Elliott Affiliates, Ltd. company to conduct testing of the LotusPro model Aqueous Ozone general purpose cleaner, which uses oxygen enriched water to clean rather than traditional cleaning chemicals. The hand-held unit has been tested in controlled lab environments and found to be effective. This study focused on how would this product would perform under real-world field conditions? The Elliott organization selected a challenging high traffic, high risk environment, one that’s been using a non-chemical cleaner to clean general surfaces and room items. The Somerset Academy Charter School in Miami-Dade Florida was the answer, a K-12 facility children moving nonstop, study, play and food everywhere, and cleaning staff around all day long to keep up with active students. The Charter school’s current system for general purpose cleaning relied on an ionized water strategy. The resulting study focused on floor, furniture, fixture and building surface conditions, including lots of touch point contamination, residue around from spills and leaks, bio-based stains and residue from parking areas, and the many of other soiling conditions one would expect within a K-12 environment. The Study was coordinated with the Charter School Administrator and their contracted cleaning company, H2ONLY RENEWABLE CLEANING, LLC , guided by its President Ruben Rives. The questions we asked were: 1. Does the current ionized water product deliver an observably “clean” appearance in this environment? 2. Is there a difference between the results delivered for the rooms cleaned by the current “ionized water” cleaning strategy versus the LotusPro strategy? 3. Is there a difference between the results delivered for the items cleaned by the current “ionized water” cleaning strategy versus the LotusPro strategy? To try and answer those questions, we used the following protocol: Cleanliness Appearance – Are the surfaces free of the attributes associated with complaints and observable soiled conditions? Organic Load – Is organic matter (the food for bacteria) removed sufficiently by each cleaning method, as measured by ATP Reflective Light Unit (RLU) readings? For the purposes of this Study, we identified seven (7) different study areas in the selected school building, and conducted testing and observation in the designated room categories as follows: Elevators Elevator Lobby
Restrooms Classrooms Cafeteria Corridors Auditorium
©1998‐2012 Elliott Affiliates, Ltd. and may not be duplicated by any means.
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METHODOLOGY Elliott Affiliates conducted inspections and observations of the school, including ATP tests. These included a variety of room-types (as noted above) and item-types (such as desks, windows, door handles, sinks) in the sample. In-process testing included speed and ease of use compared to other cleaning methods, as well as efficacy. In addition an attribute-based observation of random samples of all items subject to cleaning defined the appearance performance metric. Our staff inspected randomly selected items and areas throughout each designated room within the selected building. The sampling of buildings, room types, and items provides information on cleaning process trends, which is used to drive process improvement for cleaning activities.
Inspections, observations and measures were performed during normal school hours (7:30 am to 4:00pm), within the normal 5-day work week (Monday thru Friday) excluding weekends and holidays.
Testing protocol and measures in each case were as follows: 1. To monitor appearance , direct observation was taken in the testing area.
2. For organic load , Hygenia SystemSure II ATP devices and swabs were used to measure the RLU (Reflective Light Units), following device instructions in each of the 3 testing sections. An approximately 4”x4” square area was swabbed on the floor. The presence of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) on a surface indicates the presence of contamination, such as food residue, allergens, and/or bacteria, implying a potential for the surface to harbor and support bacterial growth. Therefore, low ATP levels are desirable. The manufacturer notes that ATP levels of 0-30 are acceptable on food preparation surfaces, and levels below 100 are considered “clean”.
©1998‐2012 Elliott Affiliates, Ltd. and may not be duplicated by any means.
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CLEANLINESS APPEARANCE With a goal of a 100% perfect (defect-free) room, it was quickly evident that cleanliness appearance levels varied by type of room using the current ionized cleaning strategy. While the ionized device removed much of the bio-film soiling quickly, visible soiling levels within the rooms studied exhibited only a fair overall level of cleanliness appearance of acceptability.
Overall, the Somerset Academy ionized cleaning strategy delivered a “Fair” cleanliness level, with the highest appearance level occurring in Classrooms and Restrooms, while the lowest cleanliness appearance levels occurring in the Cafeteria. This is a good example for asking the question: Is there a difference between looking “clean” and being sanitary?
Chart 1: Cleanliness Appearance
0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0%
So, we start with a variety of acceptable and unacceptable room-based cleanliness appearance levels. These levels include a number on non-related surfaces and items NOT cleaned by the ionized product, such as floors, baseboards, lights, furniture, as well as excluded cleaning activities, such as project deep cleaning, litter, dust, floor polishing, etc. All of these contribute to a low level appearance and are not reflective of any sanitizing issue. It is room-based cleanliness appearance profile that serves as a backdrop for the comparative study that follows.
©1998‐2012 Elliott Affiliates, Ltd. and may not be duplicated by any means.
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