GreenPlanet Scientific - Product Detail Binder (January 2013)
Lotus PRO® On‐Demand Aqueous Ozone Generator
This chemical‐free cleaning system turns ordinary tap water into on‐demand Aqueous Ozone ‐ a powerful natural cleaner, stain remover, deodorizer and sanitizer. Aqueous Ozone is made with continuous flow for mop buckets, carpet extractors and automated sprayers. It provides residue‐free performance for a longer lasting clean and low slippage on even the smoothest floors. Continuous flow up to 5 gallons/minute, with/10 minute shutoff safety feature 110v power Dimensions: 17.5" x 14.5" x 7" 42 pounds Exceeds Green Seal GS-37 standard FDA Safe Designation: 21CFR184.15663 OSHA Safety Compliance: Off-gas O3 < .01 PEL Built-in mechanical backflow prevention & pressure limiter 100% chemical free 3000 times faster and much stronger than bleach bacteria, viruses (including canine parvo virus), protozoa, fungi, yeasts, cysts, algae Highly effective on skunk odors (both on animals and in facilities) Each cartridge is good for producing 800 gallons of sanitizing solution Sanitizing solution once made is good for 12 hours On Demand Aqueous Ozone Generation
Item # 9300
Lotus Pro High Capacity Aqueous Ozone Generator Unit with Stabilizer
On‐Demand Aqueous Ozone Generation 3 year warranty Each cartridge replacement set produces 800 gallons of aqueous ozone Aqueous Ozone once generated maintains efficacy at HLD levels for 12 hours HLD contact time for various microorganisms varies from 30 seconds to 4 minutes MSRP ‐ $2,750.00 per unit
Lotus Pro High Capacity Aqueous Ozone Stabilizer Replacement Cartridges Item # 9320
MSRP ‐ $150.00 per replace cartridge set
Pricing Updated October 24, 2012
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