GreenPlanet Scientific - Product Detail Binder (January 2013)
lotus ® PRO Technical Bulletin High Capacity Unit Front Label
This is a guide to help understand the High Capacity Unit label and what the lights mean. 1) System Ready You are producing AO and ready to fill your mop buckets, sprayers, or other applicators. 2) System Charging Within 15 seconds of turning the Flow into the on position you will see the “System Charging” light come on at the front of the HCU and switch to Green “System Ready” 3) Change Sensor Will light when the HCU is not producing Ozone - this could mean one of the following: • Low water pressure – must be between 35-60psi. • Hot water is connected or turned on instead of COLD water. If you have the correct PSI and are using cold water try the following troubleshooting: • Continue to run the unit for a longer period of time 1 to 2 minutes to see if the light will clear. • Is the high capacity plugged in using an extension cord. Is it commercial grade? If not insert direct to power or use a commercial grade extension cord. • Ensure other items plugged into the same outlet are removed and test the unit alone on the outlet. 4) Replace Stabilizer Flashing orange light: filter and stabilization module needs replacement in 50 gallons. Solid orange light: filter and stabilization module needs replacement immediately. 5) Service If get a red light, check that the cold water is turned on. Check that there are no kinks in the line to allow uninterrupted flow of water. Also check that the cartridge is in properly and the protective plastic on the cartridge has been removed. If you still encounter issues please contact lotus ® PRO customer care or 1-800-808-1723 EXT 530.
System Ready System Charging Replace Stabilizer Change Sensor
TO OPERATE: 1. To start Press FLOW to ON.
2. Dispense when SYSTEM READY is GREEN. 3. Press FLOW to OFF when not dispensing.
Approved. Proven. Powerful.
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