School Infection Control Handbook - 2010

Appendix A: Development of Protocols

10. Iowa Statewide Poison Control Center, “Children and Ethanol-Based Hand Sanitizers (EBHS).” June 5, 2007. Available at: 5BAF0537-6996-4E93- 9536-CFE95019EFB3/58346/HandSanitizers.pdf. 11. National Fire Protection Association, “Tentative Interim Amendment to NFPA 101 ® Life Safety Code ® 2003 Edition.” Available at: CodesStandards/TIAErrataFI/ TIA101-03-6.PDF. 12. T.T. Perry, M-K. Conover-Walker, A. Pomés, et al, “Distribution of Peanut Allergen in the Environment.” Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 113, no. 5 (2004): 973–6. 13. EcoLogo Environmental Standard – Certification Criteria Document, “CCD-170 Instant Hand Antiseptic Products.” February 2010. Available at: http://www.environmentalchoice. com/common/ assets//Final%20CCD-170%20Instant%20Hand%20Antiseptic%20Products-%20February% 2010%202010.pdf.

14. Beyond Pesticides, Antibacterial back-to-school flyer. Available at:


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