School Infection Control Handbook - 2010
Appendix D: Resources
Contact Information
purchasing products Benefits of EPPs EPP contracts
Resources, guides, reports, tools, case studies, and EPP events
Training Northeastern University School Health Institute
Web site visitors can link to several sites and resources
Collaborate with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health School Health Unit to coordinate and provide quality, professional education programs to enhance school nursing practice throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts These offerings provide information that allows school nurses and other school health professionals to manage the increasingly complex health, medical, behavioral, and psychosocial issues facing our multicultural school- aged population
School Health Institute, Northeastern University College of Professional Studies
Offers 30 to 40 programs per year on a variety of topics, including a 3- day Summer Institute / Leadership Academy Offers online programming to meet the
continuing educational needs of the school health
professional in a convenient and timely manner
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