School Infection Control Handbook - 2010

Chapter 3: Development of Protocols

How should employees maintain PPE? x Check the equipment for damage before and after use. x Clean reusable PPE after every use in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. x Use disposable PPE only once. Throw it away after use. x Store PPE in a clean place. x Avoid contaminating the skin when taking off PPE. x Try not to spread chemical residue around. x Inform a supervisor of the need to repair or replace PPE. Worksheet template to track requirements for PPE and emergency wash stations Check the label and MSDS to complete the following chart for the disinfectants that are being considered or that are currently being used.

Hazard Characteristics (corrosivity, toxicity, flammability, reactivity, etc.)

Product Type (Ingredients)

Eye Protection, Gloves, other PPE

Emergency Wash Station Required

__________________________________________________________________________ Sources Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Occupational Safety, “Right to Know Law.” Available at: L=4&L0=Home&L1=Government&L2=Departments+and+Divisions+(EOLWD)&L3=Division +of+Occupational+Safety&sid=Elwd&b=terminalcontent&f=dos_rtk_landing&csid=Elwd. Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, Public Safety Agencies, Massachusetts Department of Fire Services, Office of the State Fire Marshal, 527 CMR 10.00 and 527 CMR 14.00: Board of Fire Prevention Regulations. Available at: eopsterminal&&L=6&L0=Home&L1=Public+Safety+Agencies&L2=Massachusetts+Departmen t+of+Fire+Services&L3=Department+of+Fire+Services&L4=Office+of+the+State+Fire+Marsha l&L5=Fire+Prevention&sid=Eeops&b=terminalcontent&f=dfs_osfm_fire_prevention_cmr_cmr5 27index&csid=Eeops. U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Toxic and Hazardous Substances, 1910.1200: Hazard Communication. Available at: STANDARDS &p_id=10099. U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Personal Protective Equipment, 3151-12R, 2003. Available at:


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