Published “When Not to Refute Political Theology: Toward an Evangelical Rapprochement” in Presbyterion (Volume XLIV, Issue 2)

Published book review of Peter Leithart’s The End of Protestantism: Pursuing Unity in a Fragmented Church in Trinity Journal (Spring 2018)

Published book review of Four Views on the Church’s Mission in Presbyterion (Volume XLIV, Number 2)

Presented “Free Church and Filioque ? On the Prospect of Free Church Engagement with the Doctrinal Controversy” at the Evangelical Theological Society National Conference Published book review of Steven Harmon’s Baptist Identity and the Ecumenical Future: Story, Tradition, and the Recovery of Community in Themelios (Volume 42, Issue 3)


Presented “On the Catholicity of Calvin” at the Evangelical Theological Society National Conference

Presented “The Evangelical Theologian and the Theological Ecclesiology of John Webster” at the Evangelical Theological Society Midwest Regional Conference Presented book reviews of Miroslav Volf’s Work in the Spirit , Andy Crouch’s Culture Making , and James Smith’s How (Not) to be Secular at the Christian Study Center of Gainesville’s “Church and Culture Roundtable”



Published “Carl Henry, We Never Knew You (and it’s a Shame)” on Sapientia , online periodical of the Henry Center


Published “Lingering Dreams: Another Look at Inception ” on The Gospel Coalition


Presented senior thesis research paper entitled “John Hamilton and His Kirk: Re-evaluating the Scottish Reformation and the Catholic/Protestant Divide” at the Christian Study Center of Gainesville Presented research conducted through the UF University Scholars Program as a paper entitled “Humanism as a Neglected Aspect of the Scottish Reformation” at New College Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies Published “Moment or Process? Developments in Augustine’s Understanding of Conversion” in Alpata (Volume 2, Spring 2005), UF history journal



Published book review of Peter Brown’s Augustine of Hippo in Alpata (Volume 2, Spring 2005)

Presented “Moment or Process? Developments in Augustine’s Understanding of Conversion” as part of a lecture series sponsored by the Christian Study Center of Gainesville entitled “St. Augustine for Today”

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