movie, “Inception.” But how would he be as a pastor? What about conflict resolution and working with other staff members? How does he relate to people? In late August and into September, we had three interviews with Ryan on Zoom, each more than two hours long. We also briefly interviewed his wife, Emily, and fleetingly met his three young daughters. (Emily’s parents and many members of her family live in New England and it is therefore the region they want most to live in.) Our questions covered doctrinal, pastoral, personal, and relational topics. Ryan, we learned, is quick, attentive, and a natural teacher. Grace and the gospel, he told us, should be the center of everything. As a leader, he said, he strives to lead out of a place of known dependence and need for God. We found him forthright and able to be vulnerable. Ryan more than satisfactorily answered our questions. We liked him and we all wanted to go forward. Ryan listed six references and two or three of us interviewed them all by Zoom. They were all stellar. No one had any reservations about Ryan’s ability to excel as a senior pastor. They all consider him as a wise and gifted servant of Christ who is highly relational and pastoral. We were impressed with the overwhelming love and admiration these pastors, a professor and friends expressed for Ryan. One, a pastor who Ryan worked under as an associate, was moved to tears when describing Ryan’s abilities. Our last step occurred Nov. 5 ‐ 8 when Ryan flew from his Chicago area home to meet us face to face, albeit socially distanced. He spent the long weekend with the Johnsons and answered and asked questions in meetings with our pastors, deacons and many of their wives; our Elder Board; worship leaders; and with us. We have heard positive responses from everyone. Ryan is warm and engaging with people and he is enthusiastic and confident in sharing his beliefs. Now, after the long weekend with us, he is as eager as we are to go forward. The final step is a candidate weekend, set for Dec.4 ‐ 6, when Ryan will lead our worship services and, along with his family, have ample opportunities to meet Faith members in person. A congregational election for Ryan as our new senior pastor will be held in person and via Zoom on Dec. 9. Although we very carefully and lovingly went through this senior pastor search process, we feel that God had our pastor lined up for us at the start. We tried hard to find candidates competitive with Ryan and could not. God made it so we couldn’t miss. We are unanimous and really, super excited to present Ryan to you. Humbly for God’s Glory, The Senior Pastor Search Committee Mike Young Carl Purinton Shawn Seitz Kelvin Wiebe Ruth Merrick Vicki Stevens Jenny Truch
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