GreenPlanet Scientific - Product Detail Binder (January 2013)
Introduction: Tersano LotusPro Field Study of Effectiveness July, 2012 Testing conducted by Elliott Affiliates, Ltd.
Tersano Inc. contacted the Elliott Affiliates, Ltd. company to conduct testing of the LotusPro model Aqueous Ozone general purpose cleaner, which uses oxygen enriched water to clean rather than traditional cleaning chemicals. The hand-held unit has been tested in controlled lab environments and found to be effective. This study focused on how would this product would perform under real-world field conditions? The Elliott organization selected a challenging high traffic, high risk environment, one that’s been using a non-chemical cleaner to clean general surfaces and room items. The Somerset Academy Charter School in Miami-Dade Florida was the answer, a K-12 facility children moving nonstop, study, play and food everywhere, and cleaning staff around all day long to keep up with active students. The Charter school’s current system for general purpose cleaning relied on an ionized water strategy. The resulting study focused on floor, furniture, fixture and building surface conditions, including lots of touch point contamination, residue around from spills and leaks, bio-based stains and residue from parking areas, and the many of other soiling conditions one would expect within a K-12 environment. The Study was coordinated with the Charter School Administrator and their contracted cleaning company, H2ONLY RENEWABLE CLEANING, LLC , guided by its President Ruben Rives. The questions we asked were: 1. Does the current ionized water product deliver an observably “clean” appearance in this environment? 2. Is there a difference between the results delivered for the rooms cleaned by the current “ionized water” cleaning strategy versus the LotusPro strategy? 3. Is there a difference between the results delivered for the items cleaned by the current “ionized water” cleaning strategy versus the LotusPro strategy? To try and answer those questions, we used the following protocol: Cleanliness Appearance – Are the surfaces free of the attributes associated with complaints and observable soiled conditions? Organic Load – Is organic matter (the food for bacteria) removed sufficiently by each cleaning method, as measured by ATP Reflective Light Unit (RLU) readings? For the purposes of this Study, we identified seven (7) different study areas in the selected school building, and conducted testing and observation in the designated room categories as follows: Elevators Elevator Lobby
Restrooms Classrooms Cafeteria Corridors Auditorium
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