GreenPlanet Scientific - Product Detail Binder (January 2013)
METHODOLOGY Elliott Affiliates conducted inspections and observations of the school, including ATP tests. These included a variety of room-types (as noted above) and item-types (such as desks, windows, door handles, sinks) in the sample. In-process testing included speed and ease of use compared to other cleaning methods, as well as efficacy. In addition an attribute-based observation of random samples of all items subject to cleaning defined the appearance performance metric. Our staff inspected randomly selected items and areas throughout each designated room within the selected building. The sampling of buildings, room types, and items provides information on cleaning process trends, which is used to drive process improvement for cleaning activities.
Inspections, observations and measures were performed during normal school hours (7:30 am to 4:00pm), within the normal 5-day work week (Monday thru Friday) excluding weekends and holidays.
Testing protocol and measures in each case were as follows: 1. To monitor appearance , direct observation was taken in the testing area.
2. For organic load , Hygenia SystemSure II ATP devices and swabs were used to measure the RLU (Reflective Light Units), following device instructions in each of the 3 testing sections. An approximately 4”x4” square area was swabbed on the floor. The presence of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) on a surface indicates the presence of contamination, such as food residue, allergens, and/or bacteria, implying a potential for the surface to harbor and support bacterial growth. Therefore, low ATP levels are desirable. The manufacturer notes that ATP levels of 0-30 are acceptable on food preparation surfaces, and levels below 100 are considered “clean”.
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