GreenPlanet Scientific - Product Detail Binder (January 2013)
CLEANLINESS APPEARANCE In this study 286 surfaces and item were reviewed to measure the cleanliness appearance by item for the current ionized strategy for cleaning. The observations by the study team determined that appearance levels varied considerably at the surface and item level.
Chart 4: Item Cleanliness Appearance
Overall, the Somerset Academy rated a “Fair” cleanliness level, even at the surface and item level. The highest appearance
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
level occurred for Waste containers and the lowest
cleanliness appearance levels occurred for the Restroom Sinks.
Again, we start with a variety of acceptable and unacceptable item-based cleanliness appearance levels. These levels also include a number on non-related surfaces and items NOT cleaned by the ionized product, such as floors, baseboards, lights, furniture, as well as excluded cleaning activities, such as project deep cleaning, litter, dust, floor polishing, etc. All of these contribute to low level item appearance and are not reflective of any sanitizing issue. It is this item-based cleanliness appearance profile that serves as a backdrop for the comparative study that follows.
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