GreenPlanet Scientific - Product Detail Binder (January 2013)
ORGANIC LOAD Tersano LotusPro Findings by Type of Item
Given the soiling and residue on the various surfaces, it was surprising that the LotusPro device removed the organic load so quickly; leaving the surfaces for each item measured with remarkable ATP reductions. For removing ATP, the LotusPro unit delivered superior sanitizing results overall, reducing ATP levels by 91% on average for the items studies.
Chart 5: LotusPro Study Percent ATP Reduction Somerset Academy Elementary
ATP reductions were very effective for the items and surfaces evaluated. The organic load reduction varied between 98% and 71%. Even at 71% for student desks are likely to exhibit continual re‐ contamination as a constant touch point.
100% 120%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
The Table below presents the percent ATP for the Items measured during the conduct of this study. Items Before After ATP % Reduction Banister/railing 185.3 37.0 86% Bench 41.0 9.0 83% Call Button 397.0 12.5 97% Chair 185.3 12.0 93% Desk 187.0 38.5 71% Door 526.4 23.9 94% Drinking Fountain 437.8 39.5 91% Light switch 154.0 27.0 82% Sink/fixtures 332.0 11.3 97% Soap dispenser 843.8 20.2 96% Table 314.5 53.0 93% Toilet/fixtures 482.5 9.0 98% Waste container 2604.0 100.0 96% Overall Average 6505.4 30.2 91%
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