School Infection Control Handbook - 2010

Chapter 3: Development of Protocols

Department/ Staff


Training Purchasing*


Incident Response

Athletics Director

Assign and oversee staff roles and responsibilities

Organize training

Order disinfectant

Oversee staff use

Secure site, clean up or call custodian to clean up, and submit report

Nursing Director

Oversee nurse roles and responsibilities Coordinate policy with an Exposure Control Plan

Organize nurse training —as part of BBP, infection

Participate in developing purchasing criteria, vendor selection, and product ordering Inventory supplies (PPE, disinfectants, spill kits) Participate in developing purchasing criteria, vendor selection, and product ordering

Oversee nurse use and information dissemination to school staff

Provide medical assistance Follow-up to BBP exposure

control, or orientation training


Implement policy

Attend training Train classroom and office staff Organize training — independently or as part of other food-

Use products routinely and for incidents

Food Service Director

Assign and oversee staff roles and responsibilities

Director – oversee staff use Staff – use products routinely and for incidents

Secure site, clean up or call custodian to clean up, and submit report

service training

Transportation Director

Assign and oversee staff roles and responsibilities

Combine with other training

Order and distribute spill kits

Use disinfectant for incidents only

Director – follow-up BBP exposure Driver – secure site, clean up, and submit report

* Determine whether all disinfectants will be ordered through one department or whether each department will order its own disinfectant. If the Facilities Department has a dispensing station, consider using it to provide product for all departments who can use the same formulation.


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